Summary of 2017 and visions for 2018. Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas friends,
One more time, Christmas is already here, time has flown by us, but we have done a compilation of the achievements of CodiTramuntana during 2017 and our vision of what the new year 2018 will bring us in the area of software development.

During 2017 Apple gave access to the NFC chip of their mobile phones, which has opened the way to new projects where the mobile phone can be a communication tool between machines and devices.
Apple has taken a new address in its Market place to differentiate itself from Android and has applied new publication regulations that prohibit template-type applications and rethink some projects.
CodiTramuntana faces changes as challenges, and we are already developing apps "containers" both for our own projects and for our customers.
We are proud to have developed projects with an international label, connecting apps with Bluetooth. In addition, the technical team continues growing, in number of employees and also consolidating different technical roles, such as the project manager, product owner, consultants and functional analysts and also technical specialists of BBDD.
The web projects that we are developing, are increasingly more powerful. We are going beyond the development of corporate websites, implementing SaaS platforms that are the heart of our clients' businesses.
We are contributing our experience in different sectors such as educational platforms, Compliance platforms, tourism and sports, etc.
Another aspect in which we are 100% involved is the participatory democracy platform Decidim. This open-source tool developed in Ruby on Rails allows different institutions to modify the way they relate to their citizens, partners, affiliates...
Our projection for 2018 as far as the apps are concerned, is that these will provide greater value when they are a communication tool with the electronic layers of other devices. Also, the prominence of the use of Augmented Reality and video continues to rise.
In conclusion, 2018 will be more online than ever, and CodiTramuntana will be here to serve you as well as possible.