Sant Jordi's contest
This Sant Jordi we will be helding a contest on all CodiTramuntana's social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+). The prize is winning one of the two most essential books of programming, we believe:
The best practices when it comes to achieving a clean and organized code.
An essential book if you want to deepen into Ruby language.
Besides, if you are a girl, along with the book, you will also get a rose. This Sant Jordi is a win-win situation for girls!
The contest will be active from Wednesday April 22nd (afternoon), to Thursday April 23rd (at 24h).
The winner will be selected among all the followers of CodiTramuntana's corporate social media channels.
Starting today, follow CodiTramuntana and get one of the two programming books we are going to give during this Sant Jordi.
The winner of the contest will be known the following week.