CodiTramuntana presents ONAIR SHOPPING app in Mobile World Congress
CodiTramuntana & ONAIR SHOPPING at Mobile World Congress 2015
The following Wednesday, March 3rd, at 4pm, CodiTramuntana will present ONAIR SHOPPING mobile app at its booth in the Mobile World Congress (Congress Square CS50-31).
ONAIR SHOPPING is an app developed by CodiTramuntana for both Android and iOS devices that allows the user to check, book and buy tech, fashion and home items from any smartphone.
Lluís Ripoll, creator of this innovative project, will be with us during the presentation, giving more presence to the event and extra advice to all those potential suppliers and customers who come to know more about the app.
If you want to know detailed information about ONAIR SHOPPING app, you can click the following link.
If you want to set up a meeting with CodiTramuntana during MWC, fill up the following contact form.